Good energy – Solar energy for the energy transition

The project “Good Energy – Solar Energy for Energy Transition” makes a valuable contribution to Croatia’s transition to renewable energy by increasing production from renewable energy by 1 MW of solar capacity and encouraging further investments in solar energy.

“Good Energy – SEET” is the result of previous cooperation, long-term reflection and active action of partners that gathers in the field of transition to renewable energy sources, increasing energy efficiency and energy security of Croatian cities and counties. It is also one of the results of the Good Energy Tour of the Green Energy Cooperative, which was hosted by each of the partners of this project, and one of the key goals is to stimulate investment in solar energy at the level of local communities.

The goal of this project with a total value of EUR 1.4 million is to increase the capacities for the production of energy from renewable sources through solar power plants on public buildings, but also to use these capacities to encourage the realization of new ones and to popularize the use of solar energy – an exceptional resource of Croatia – in the area of Istria County, partner cities and beyond, throughout Croatia.

The key activity of the project is the realization of 22 solar power plants on public buildings in the cities-partners of the project: Cres, Čakovec, Ivanić-Grad, Poreč, Pula, Zaprešić and Istria County.

22 solar power plants with a total power of 1 MW will produce over 1.2 million MWh of energy from the Sun and contribute to the reduction of almost 250,000 tons of CO2 per year. This will directly contribute to the local, national and European goals of the transition to renewable energy sources and the reduction of the consequences of climate change.

The specialty of the Good Energy project is the diversity of the portfolio of solar power plants that the project partnership brings together. Investments in large and small power plants on public facilities of different types and needs, and in different locations and climatic areas of Croatia, are covered. This diversity of the portfolio will be used to define recommendations for optimizing investments in solar power plants in Croatia.

In addition to renewable solar energy, the Good Energy project under the term good energy also includes renewable energy that is owned by citizens. That is why this project uses the installation of solar power plants on public buildings for the popularization of solar energy and its use at the household level. With the support of the Green Energy Cooperative, opportunities will be provided in each partner city to inform and empower citizens to independently invest in their own solar power plant.

Furthermore, so that the increase in interest in solar energy in the area of the partner cities could be followed by sufficient resources for the realization of new solar power plants, the project also provides training for the occupation of solar power plant installers. People who already work in technical professions and want to retrain, but also high school students with a technical background will be able to participate in the training, who will have the opportunity to train for one of the most important professions of the future.

In addition to encouraging community energy, the Green Energy Cooperative plays a role in this project as the lead for its communication and visibility.

The project Good Energy – Solar Energy for Energy Transition is financed by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic space (EGP) 2014 – 2021 with national co-financing of the Republic of Croatia within the framework Program “Energy and Climate Change” in the amount of EUR 1.1 million in grants.


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