What makes us different

We have a different view of energy than the one that prevails.

We believe that all energy used in Croatia can be good energy: clean, renewable and fair, with the direct participation of citizens in its production, sharing and management.

We are the first and still the only one in Croatia to have implemented solar power plants on public roofs with 100% citizen financing, and the investment is returned with annual interest.

We operate on a non-profit basis. We invest all our income back into the business of the cooperative and in the development and education of people, not only our employees, but also citizens and local communities.

We are independent, we are no one’s player; we manage the cooperative and make decisions ourselves, as members and employees.

Just over a decade ago, in 2013, we wished for energy in the hands of citizens. And that was the beginning of our shift away from the traditional view of “electricity from an outlet” that still guides us today. It may have sounded like a utopia then, but we were seriously headed in the direction of citizen energy because:

  • we are guided by examples of others who prove that this is possible,
  • we are guided by examples of others who prove that this is possible,

  • we are supported and empowered by a community brought together by the Federation of 2250 energy cooperatives and communities in Europe with 1.5 million members – REScoop,

  • since 2019, we have been additionally supported by the EU’s “Clean Energy For All Europeans” legislative package.

Professional profiles of our employees include electrical, mechanical and geotechnical engineers, environmentalists, agroecologists, sociologists, economists and educators.

Two-thirds of our employees are women. We also regularly employ students who often find their place with us as interns. There are also three dogs and a lot of office greenery. It’s comfortable. We are doing seriously well.

Glavni elektrotehnički projekt

Glavni projekt za vašu solarnu elektranu po sniženoj cijeni - samo 199 EUR!

Prilika koju ne smijete propustiti! Ponuda vrijedi do 28.02.2025. Kliknite i zatražite svoju ponudu sada – iskoristite ovu šansu za uštedu i zelenu energiju!



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