Wise projekt


The goal of the WISE project is to help the most vulnerable group of women in Europe, namely those with migrant status who are single mothers, elderly women, or those who live alone and at the same time are at risk of energy poverty.

This group of women often has no choice over their own life situations. Some of them come from extreme poverty and lack the resources and power to change (social, political, economic). With meager resources, they struggle to provide basic needs for their families. Numerous factors affect their right to a dignified life, adequate social services, health and housing, as contained in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (CFREU) and the European Pillar of Social Rights.

Through various gatherings and educations, the partners of the WISE project will work to raise awareness of energy justice and empower vulnerable groups of women to participate in the development of local policies by exchanging experiences and knowledge.

The WISE project will develop and disseminate content relevant to fundamental energy-related rights and efficient energy use. Since such content is most often created and available in English, the WISE project participants will translate the literature into additional languages ​​in order to make it useful for groups of women at risk of energy poverty. At least 140 vulnerable women will be involved in the WISE project, who will have the opportunity to learn, train and be actively involved in the democratic processes of energy policies. The project will raise awareness of energy rights among EU citizens through public events and information campaigns on social networks.

ZEZ’s role:

– creation of educational materials on energy poverty, energy efficiency and minorities/refugee and migrant women

– establishment of a national collective for further reduction of energy poverty

Project partners:

The Energy Action Project (EnAct), University of Groningen, Faculty of Law , (UGFoL), 75inQ, Orion Grid , Wind of Renewal (WoR), INZEB , RETE ASSIST , The Center for Social Sciences (CSS) , Green Energy Cooperative ( ZEZ).

The project lasts from September 2024 to September 2026.

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