
SCCALE 20-30-50

Sustainable Collective Action of Citizens for Local Europe

By 2050, half of EU citizens could produce electricity on their own. Project SCCALE 203050 – Sustainable Collective Action of Citizens for Local Europe will provide an innovative view and a sustainable business model for energy efficiency to strengthen local communities. These activities will provide a clear and sustainable business model for energy efficiency in all its forms, with the support of citizens. The project will be implemented through two sets of parallel activities that will build upon each other. One set of activities will focus on the implementation of pilot projects for the development and dissemination of the concept of energy communities. The second set of activities will include the development of the SCCALE Toolkit, package of 7 tools developed and tested through pilot projects, which will validate lessons learned and support replication and consolidation of established energy communities.

Key project activities include:

  • Development of a step-by-step guide for energy communities
  • Development of tools for monitoring the development of energy communities
  • Systematization of proven technical tools and financing models suitable for collective action of citizens
  • Development of financially stable models for innovative energy efficiency and building renovation projects
  • Encouraging the expansion of energy communities across Europe (including municipalities, SMEs, NGOs, and academic institutions)
  • Supporting policymakers at European, national and local levels to support energy communities

The main goal of the project is to establish energy communities, with the ambition to:

  • Establish at least 26 energy communities during the project and support the establishment of at least 34 additional communities
  • Encourage the establishment and development of at least 96 energy communities in the next 5 years
  • Develop a comprehensive methodology for establishing replicable energy communities across Europe and beyond

The implementation of the project begins on June 1, 2021 and will last for 42 months. The project is funded by the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program under the Grant Agreement no. 101033676.

PARTNERS:, Ecopower, Enercoop, EnergieSamen, Electra, Energy Cities, Green Energy Cooperative, Delft University of Technology, Municipality of Leuven, Municipality of Poreč

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