
Good Energy in Social Entrepreneurship

About the project

Through this project, we support the business and the improvement of the knowledge and skills of employees and members of existing social enterprises; we support the business of legal personalities who want to engage in social entrepreneurship and educate young and unemployed persons – energy advisors to conduct energy consulting in their local community.

The project continues on successfully realized projects of the Energy Cooperative Development in Croatia and Energy Advisers for the Energy Efficient Households (implemented in Koprivnica-Križevci County), realized in cooperation with UNDP Croatia.

Within this project, we conduct the concept, activity, and education of energy advisors with the partner Craft School of Zagreb in three pilot areas: Karlovac, Sisak-Moslavina, Zadar County.

The total value of the project is 543.206,64 HRK, in 100% co-financed by EU funds.

The results:

  • 10 employees and members passed education for the head of social entrepreneurship
  • members of the Cooperative convey acquired knowledge and experience to other energy cooperatives in order to identify new business models for energy cooperatives
  • 30 young and unemployed people will undertake training for energy advisor in pilot areas and via info stalls to advise citizens on energy saving measures
  • we network energy cooperatives and educate young and unemployed people

Contact person for more information:

For more information on EU funds visit /

Project Duration June 2017 – May 2018

The project was co-financed by the European Union from the European Social Fund

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