
Biomasud Plus

About the project

The Biomasud Plus project is developing integrated solutions for the promotion of a sustainable market for solid biofuels in the Mediterranean, intended for the heating of the residential sector. By developing and disseminating the BIOmasud certification system of quality and sustainability to widely used Mediterranean biofuels, quality control system are developed, with tools and databases that contain information on sources of sustainable biomass. Currently, Biomasud certification is applied in Spain, France and Portugal, and thanks to the BIOMASUD Plus project, it will be implemented in Italy, Greece, Slovenia, Croatia, and Turkey.

Our task as a Project Coordinator for Croatia is to make an assessment of the current market for solid biofuels, to collect biofuel samples for analysis (grapevines, olives, hazelnuts), introduce BIOmasud quality and sustainability certification and promote the use of Mediterranean biofuels in Croatia.

Expected results:

  • we will implement BIOmasud certification in the Croatian market
  • we will expand the BIORAISE information system for Mediterranean solid biofuels

Project duration 2016-2018

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