The AgroBioHeat project aims to initiate the mass implementation of improved and market-ready solutions for the use of agricultural (agrarian) biomass for heating in Europe. Agricultural biomass is an important, insufficiently researched and locally available energy source, which can contribute to the achievement of European energy and climate goals, and at the same time promote rural development and circular economy.
Activities within the AgroBioHeat project will take place mainly in 6 EU countries (GR, ES, GR, RO, HR, UA – 5 EU28 and Ukraine), where numerous inclusive actions are planned. It is expected that such activities, to increase the involvement and matchmaking of different stakeholders, will result in the launch of more than 80 initiatives for the utilization of agricultural biomass in the field of heating, of which 8 will receive strong support through the project. In order to encourage trust in market stakeholders, the project will identify more than 100 examples of good practices in the use of agricultural biomass, while a detailed analysis and visit will be organized for 12 examples. In addition, more than 44 tests will be carried out through the project to examine the market aspects of technologies involving heating and agricultural biomass, with the aim of creating reliable data on emissions and operational characteristics of these technologies and demonstrating improved solutions in the market and in local communities.
At the EU level, these results will contribute to the expected revision of the ecodesign regulation for agricultural biomass boilers, with proposals for appropriate emission limits for plants with a capacity of 500 kW to 1 MW. This will contribute to the harmonization of this legislation in the EU. As part of the project, drafts of strategic plans for the utilization of agricultural biomass in heating will be developed, which will be improved in a discussion with more than 240 decision makers in the 6 countries covered by the project.
The promotion of the thermal energy market will include stands for agricultural biomass and participation in 15 fairs, as well as the creation of an observation tool for visualizing examples of good practice and related technologies. 60 technologists from the ESCO sector and heat system installers will be trained in 6 countries, in order to be ready to implement mature technological solutions for the use of agricultural biomass. A social survey will be conducted, which will gather the opinions of at least 3,500 people through a form as part of a customized dissemination campaign, in order to bring the use of agricultural biomass closer to the general public. The project lasts from January 1, 2019 to December 30, 2021. The value of the project is EUR 2,998,043.75.